Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Friends Furever

Mighty March Craft - Take 2

We have made many mistakes in the process of creating our craft to sell at the Mighty March Circus Carnival on Saturday.  Time is certainly of the essence now.  Here are some pictures of our second attempt.  Not looking too bad this time around!  Yay!


We had a wonderful writing session in Room 10 today.  The children were given 3 sentence starters for their creative writing and we had some time in small groups to share what we had written so far.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The children (and I) certainly learnt how important it is to learn from your mistakes.
We had a very messy, creative session attempting to make our Mighty March craft.
Good job we had a trial run today so we can revise and revisit next week.  
Deep breaths Mrs Cameron and Mrs Johnson :)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Mighty March Circus Carnival - Room 10 Craft

Thank you so much to the parents that have contacted me already!  Wow!
I'll update this blog post with the timetable and the extra children/adults to help.

Shift One ~ Set up 10.30-12noon
Leanne Reder with son Liam

Shift Two ~ 12noon-1pm
Amanda Bowden with daughter Ashlee
Jack H

Shift Three ~ 1pm - 2pm
Ann West with son Zac

Shift Four ~ 2pm-3pm
Bianca Wallace with daughter Maddi

Last shift and pack up ~ 3pm-4pm

This will also be stuck in home learning books :)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Speed Cube

Sam has a rubiks cube and when I saw this video I instantly thought of him.

Perhaps Sam will be able to break this world record!

Getting to Know Jaedyn

Click here to be taken to Jaedyn's Blog post to learn a little bit more about him.
He'd love for you to visit and leave some positive comments on his posts.